Made on Amiga.
Amiga comments page.
The administration have set aside this page in order to share their views on the current state of the
Amiga's parent company.
Home - An introduction.
Welcome, this site is here for two reasons. Firstly to give you all the information you need to enjoy the
talker this site represents - Amiga Forever. Secondly we hope that you learn a little bit more about
the excellent computing platform this talker is based around. To see who does what on the talker please
click here for a full list of credits. If you have been following the Amiga
situation then please click here to find out what the administration think.
If you are more used to IRC then you may be wondering what a talker is, if this is the case then have a look
at the about page for an introduction to the world of talkers. If on the other hand
you know about talkers but don't really understand that much about the Amiga, then try looking at the
help page to find out more.
The following entries relate to the talker (T) or to the web site
(W). The administration hope to keep you up-to-date with all relevant
talker matters.
Friday 5th November.
(T) New talker code - We are now running on version 0.3.5 of the Amiga Forever code
extensions to Dragon Code.
Thursday 16th September.
(W) We have now added a new page where the administration members
comment of the current Amiga situation. Click here.
Tuesday 7th August.
(T) The main talker is back on port 1200, thanks to Dave for fixing
the problem.
Tuesday 31st August.
(T) Sadly, last night the talker crashed and all attempts to boot it
have failed. The problem will be fixed.
Saturday 28th August.
(W) Web site updated slightly with a code review under way.
Friday 20th August.
(W) Following a DNS change we now have the pages on Amber. This will
be the primary site from now on.
Thursday 15th July.
(W) Well, not really a news entry but just a note to say that you may
find broken images in a few places on the site. we're currently working on some images and these will
be up loaded soon.
Wednesday 14th July.
(W) Web pages up loaded and made publicly available.
Friday 18th June, 1999.
(T) Talker opened and ready for use.